Tips to be a Champion Tester

As we know that the Testers always feel tremendous pressure when the product release is around the corner. Product Release is a milestone for any Tester irrespective of the amount of Testing have been conducted. So, it’s all about testing well in a tough situation and delivering a quality product which in turn will be shipped to the client. It’s when we have to find and report all the issues in the application and get it fixed by the Development team.
We know that the Testing is important throughout the SDLC. But it suddenly becomes the most important activity of all, once the product is getting ready to be released. So, the pressure mounts on the Testers to some extent. So, it needs lot of skills and experience to handle such kind of situations.
We need give more attention to the following areas during such kind of situations.
Find out the improper/missing functionality and get them fixed by the Development Team as soon as possible. 
Crash Issue:
Generally the product will not be accepted if the software is getting crashed itself or crashing the user’s system. So, we should test all scenarios that may cause the system crash. For example, we need to test the scenarios like Memory Leaks, DLLs, missing files due to bad 3rd party installer etc.
Smoke Test:
Smoke Testing to be conducted on daily basis to find the new problems and get it fixed.

Usability Errors:
Execute all possible navigation paths in your application to catch the Usability errors. 

Bugs/Test Cases/Bug Fixes tracking:
We need to regularly keep track on the priority bugs/test cases/bug fixes. This ensures that the important bugs are dealt first.
Recover Testing:
Recovery scenarios may not be handled properly in some of the applications which will lead to the loss of the data or inconsistent results.So, we should make sure that the recovery scenarios are executed properly. 
Regression Testing:
Regression testing to be conducted on the related modules whenever the issues are fixed.It’ll be helpful in avoiding the major issues at the final moment.
Cross Verification With Team(Peer Review): 
Some fixes may not be clear to a particular Testers. It’s always to have a 3rd eye on such kind of areas to avoid unnecessary issues during the latter part of the product release.
Deferred Issues:
Sometimes the organization used to defer some of the issues. Such kind of issues need to be handled in the future releases. So, we should make sure that the issues deferred in the previous release are fixed in the current release.
The above items are generic list. Please feel free to suggest more points :) .

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