Insert Call To Existing Action in QTP

This article explains the details about the call to existing action in QTP. We can insert call to the existing/ reusable action stored in the current test or stored in external test. The action will be copied to the current test in read only format. We can view the steps of the action in action view, but we can't modify them.

The called action's object repository is also read only.If the called action has data in the Data Table,we can select whether we want the data from the action's data sheet to be imported as local,editable or read only from the original action.But the columns and data from the called action's global date sheet is always imported into the calling test as a local, editable copy.

Assume that we need to modify the called external action. TO to this, we need to open the original action from the test in which it resides and make the necessary changes. This modifications will be reflected in all the tests which are call that action. If we use the original action's data when you call an external action,then the changes made to the original action's data are applied as well.

Note: We can view the location of the original action in the General tab of the action properties dialog box.

Steps to be followed to insert a call to an existing action:

01.Navigate to Insert> Call To Existing Action from Expert/Keyword view or right click at any step> Action> Insert Call To Existing.
02.Observe that a window is opened with a combo boxes named as From and Action.
03.From combo box represents the list of tests which contains the resalable action.
04.We can select some other actions by using the browse button which is located just adjacent to From combo box.
05.Action combo box displays all reusable actions in the test we selected.
06.Assume that we selected any one of the action.When we select the action, its type(Reusable Action) and description,if one exists, are displayed.It'll be helpful for us to identify the action you want to call.

Note:External actions that the test calls are also displayed in the list.If the action we want to call is already called from within the selected test,we can select it from the list of actions.This creates another call to the original action.

07.Next step is to decide the insertion place. We can insert either at the end of the test or after the current step.

08.Click on OK button and observe that the action is inserted into the test flow. We can move our action call to another location in our test by dragging it to the desired location.

Note:We can create an additional call to any reusable or external action in our test by pressing Ctrl while you drag and drop the action to another location at a parallel (sibling) level within your test scripts.

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