This article gives the details about some of the frequently used QTP methods and its operations. We have the following methods.
Example: Window("Flight Reservation").Activate
Example:Window("Flight Reservation"). WinButton("Login").Click
Example:Window("Flight Reservation").Close
- Activate: This method is to activate Windows/ Dialogs
Example: Window("Flight Reservation").Activate
- Click: This method to click the objects.
Example:Window("Flight Reservation"). WinButton("Login").Click
- Close: This method to close the browsers, windows,dialogs etc..
Example:Window("Flight Reservation").Close
- dbClick: This method to double click the objects.
- Set: This method can be for any one of the following operation
Syntax: Object Hierarchy.Set
Example: Dialog("Login").WinEdit("UserName").Set "STC")
02. To select the radio buttons
Syntax: Object Hierarchy.Set
Example: Window("Flight Reservation").WinRadioButton("Business").Set
03. To Select or Deselect the checkboxes
Syntax: Object Hierarchy.Set "ON/OFF"
Example: Window("Flight Reservation").WinCheckBox("Business").Set "ON"
- Select Method:It is used for selecting an item from a combo box or list box.
Syntax: Object “item”
Example:Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly From:").Select "India"
Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Flights Table").WinList("From").Select "1222572
- GetVisibletext: It returns Text from the specified area.
Syntax: Variable =object hierarchy.getvisibletext
Example:bb=Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly From:").GetVisibleText
msgbox bb
- GetRoproperty:It returns current object property value. It can be used for getting any object’s, any property value.
Syntax: Variable = object hierarchy.getroproperty (“property name”)
Example: aa=Window("Flight Reservation").WinEdit("Tickets:").GetROProperty ("width")
msgbox aa
- Navigate Method:It opens a specified URL in the Browser.
Syntax: object hierarchy.navigate “URL”
Example: Browser("Yahoo!").Navigate
- Getitemscount: It returns number of items in a combobox.
Syntax: Variable=object hierarchy.getitemscount
Example: a=Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly From:").GetItemsCount
msgbox a
- Getcontent: It returns all items from a combobox.
Syntax: variable=object hierarchy.GetContent
Example:y=Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly From:").GetContent
msgbox y
- Exist property: It checks whether the object is available or not.
Syntax: Object hierarchy.exist(time in seconds)
Example: Window("Flight Reservation").Exist(5)
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