V- Model

V model presumed to be the extension of Waterfall model. Instead of going down in linear way the process is bent upwards after coding phase to form a . V-Model clearly shows the relationship between the Development Life Cycles and the corresponding Testing phase.

We have the following phases in V-Model.
01. Requirement Analysis:
During this phase, the requirement of the software or application to be developed is gathered from the customers and analyzed based on their input. Requirements are nothing but the constraints or practicalities which are expected from the software to be developed.However,we'll not decide that how the system will built. Normally the customer is interviewed and a document called User Requirement Document will be prepared.Requirement Document clearly describe the features like functions, interfaces, security etc.
Once the document is prepared based on the user requirement one of the Business Analyst will share the document with the client. The client will carefully review the document and send it back to the Analyst. Then the document will be serving as a Baseline for the System/Application designers in the design phase.
During this phase, we used to prepared "Acceptance Test Cases".

02.System Design:
The system designers go through the requirement document and analyze the same to understand the functionalities expected from the system to be developed.  They will look for all possibilities to implement the software or application based on the user requirement. If some of the features are not feasible they'll send the details to the client. Upon their approval the Requirement document will be edited.
Once everything is finalized a document called Software Specification Document will be generated. It'll serve as a blueprint document for the Development phase. This document contains the details like functional flow, menu structure of the application and some of the sample window mock ups etc. 
We used to prepare "System Test Cases" during this phase.

03. Architecture Design:
During this phase we'll have the high level design of the application. We'll have the details like modules, brief functionality of each module, the relation between the modules,interface details between modules, database details, architectural diagrams, technical details etc.
We used to prepare the "Integration Test Cases" during this phase.

04.Module Design:
During this phase the system to be developed is divided into chunks or modules.We'll assign a developer for each module and explained the details of the modules. So, the developers can directly start the coding based on the expected functionality of the module.So, this phase can be called as low level design phase.
The low level design document or program specifications will contain a detailed functional logic of the module, in pseudocode - database tables, with all elements, including their type and size - all interface details with complete API references- all dependency issues- error message listings- complete input and outputs for a module.
We used to prepare "Unit Test Cases" during this phase.

So, based on V-Model we can conclude that the each Development Phase is having relationship with the Testing phase as mentioned below.

Requirement Analysis >> Acceptance Test Cases >> Acceptance Testing
System Design >>System Test Cases>>System Testing
Architecture Design >>Integration Test Cases >> Integration Testing
Module Design>>Unit Test Cases>>Unit Testing

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